Tartare de canard | Crayon Framboise & Balsamique

Duck tartare | Raspberry & Balsamic Food Crayon

Duck tartare with mustard and herbs
Recipe by Chef Jean-Philippe Desjardins

Recipe for 4 appetizers or 2 main meals
For the tartare:

- 1 duck breast
- 1 tablespoon of chopped chives
- 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
- 1 tablespoon of shallot diced
- 3-4 teaspoon of vinaigrette
- 2 tablespoon of peppered sour cream
- Old cheddar, parmesan or any other firm cheese
- A few raspberries
- A few sprigs of dill

1. Remove the skin from the duck breast and the silver membrane.
2. Cut into strips, then diced. Store in a bowl over ice or in the fridge.
3. Add the chives, parsley, shallot and vinaigrette and mix well. Taste and adjust the seasoning as needed
4. Arrange in a small bowl without packing too much. Sprinkle with dill sprigs, and some raspberries cut in half.
5. Add sour cream and grate a little bit of cheese.
6. Complete the plate by adding 4 to 5 shavings of Food Crayon Raspberry & Balsamic.

For the dressing

- 2 tablespoon of mustard
- Juice of half lemon
- 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise
- 1 tablespoons of olive oil
- ÂĽ teaspoon of honey
- Salt, pepper as needed

Mix all the ingredients together and set aside.

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