Avocat Crevettes | Crayon Pamplemousse & Poivre de Timut

Avocado Shrimps | Grapefruit & Timut pepper Food Crayon

For 4 people:

- 1 cup of pink shrimps
- 2 tablespoon of Ketchup
- 2 ripes avocados cut in 2
- 6 tablespoon of Mayonnaise
- Salt and pepper as you like

1. Boil the shrimps.
2. Cut avocados in 2 .
3. Mix the ketchup, the mayonnaise and add some hot sauce (as you like).
4. Put salt and pepper as you like.
5. Mix the shrimps in the mixture of mayonnaise.
6. Put a few spoonful of the mixture in the 1/2 avocado.
7. Sharpen 8 shavings of Grapefruit & Timut pepper Food Crayon to decorate each avocados .
8. Serve and enjoy!

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